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"Tres Exotiques"


PE: Michelle *Verona* Chang (Tau Charter)

PEA: Jennifer *w00tw00t* Feng (Tau Gamma)



#31 - Lisa *Clio* Kim

#32 - Myly *Makkoli* Nguyen

#33 - I-Ling *T.K.O.* Pan

#34 - Emily *D'lux* Lin

#35 - Haomin *sunkist* Xu

#36 - Holly *Malibu* Lui

#37 - Sharon *Leilani* Choi

#38 - Vanessa *Délicieux* Vichayakul

#39 - Amanda *Stila* Kim

#40 - Miranda *kalibre* Law

#31 Lisa *Clio* Kim

Major: Nursing
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2007)
Ethnicity: Korean

Big Sis: Yeelan *Bailey* Ku (Tau Beta)

Little Sis: Cindy *Kazzi* Kwan (Tau Eta)

What I love about Sigma: I think that by joining Sigma the hardships in my life have been easier to overcome, due to the presence of these genuinely loving and caring sisters.

#32 Myly *Makkoli* Nguyen

Major: Neurobiology & Physiology / Pre-Dental
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2009)

Post-Graduation: Dentist
Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Big Sis: Jennifer *Vanilia* Shuang (Tau Gamma)

Little Sis: Sammi *X* Liang (Tau Eta)
            Christina *Dionni* Chen (Tau Iota)


About Me: If I were a color I would be yellow, like the sun or a smiley face (or your teeth after a lot of coffee). But dont worry! I want to be a dentist and I will inevitably be able to whiten teeth anyways. So hopefully I can brighten both your day and your teeth.

#33 I-Ling *T.K.O.* Pan

Major: Electrical Engineering
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2008)
Ethnicity: Taiwanese

Big Sis: Amanda *elmo* Nguyen (Tau Beta)
Little Sis: Meredith *m&m* Xu (Tau Eta)

            Jessie *Bella* Tsai (Tau Theta)

God Little Sis: Yoomin *Priya* Ahn (AB Charter)

What I love about Sigma: I'm blessed to have met so many amazing people in the sorority and cherish our friendships all these years. Although we've all parted ways, we'll forever have our memories.

#34 Emily *D'lux* Lin

Major: Economics
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2007)
Ethnicity: Taiwanese and Chinese

Big Sis: Evelyn *Milan* Cheng (Tau Beta)

Little Sis: Tran *Amisolé* Hoang (Tau Eta)

Fun Fact: I love fast cars!

#35 Haomin *sunkist* Xu

Major: Business Management & Chinese
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2009)
Ethnicity: Chinese

Big Sis: Diana *jasmine* Xiao (Tau Gamma)
Little Sis: Min *catalina* Seo (Tau Iota)

Favorite Quote: "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." -Matthew 17:20

#36 Holly *Malibu* Lui

Major: Pre-Veterinary Studies
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2009)

Post-Graduation: Associate Veterinarian at CityPaws Animal Hospital
Ethnicity: Chinese

Big Sis: Vy *joie* Tran (Tau Delta)
Little Sis: Rhia *Luxurie* Pumhirun (Tau Theta)

What I love about Sigma: Sigma has brought so many wonderful things into my life like my SYZters (obviously), some amazing college memories and serious time management skills! Come out and rush to see what Sigma can do for you!

#37 Sharon *Leilani* Choi

Major: Journalism
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2009)
Ethnicity: Korean

Big Sis: Mary *Radiance* Ma (Tau Beta)
Littles: Cindy *Sayuri* Kim (Tau Zeta)
             Deborah *mikiori* Kim (Tau Mu)

Fun Fact: Two of my biggest dreams are to travel all the continents more than once, and to learn as many languages as I can.

#38 Vanessa *Délicieux* Vichayakul

Major: International Business
Year: Alumna
Ethnicity: Thai and Caucasian

Big Sis: Jennifer *w00tw00t Feng* (Tau Gamma)
Little Sis: Christine *VERDAD* Lim (Tau Iota)

Fun Fact: I worked at the food Co-op on campus - we're the "hippie food store" in the basement of the Union, and support food for PEOPLE not for PROFIT.

#39 Amanda *Stila* Kim

Majors: International Business & Marketing
Year: Alumna (Graduated Fall 2009)
Ethnicity: Korean

Big Sis: Wendy *Kaori* Kim (Tau Alpha)
Littles: Sejin *Tarte* Lee (Tau Theta)

            Lillian *Luciera* Tran (Tau Lambda)

About Me: I am a nerd at heart. I love to read and do dorky things like clean and organize. My dream is to study fashion in Spain and/or London, and eventually take over the fashion world.

#40 Miranda *kalibre* Law

Major: Neurobiology & Physiology
Year: Alumna (Graduated Spring 2009)
Ethnicity: Taiwanese

Big Sis: Jocelyn *juicy* Yeh (Tau Gamma)
Littles: Thai *v00du* Nguyen (Tau Eta)
            Cristina *lindee* Chow (Tau Iota)

What I love about Sigma: Being in Sigma is the last thing I'd ever thought I'd do when I came to college, but it's the one thing that has brought me the best experiences I've ever had in college. These are my favorite girls in the world - I've made my best friends these past years, accompanied by inside jokes and fun memories. I know I'm graduating soon... but these friendships are for life <3


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